Ada and Grace: Toward Realistic and Engaging Virtual Museum Guides

TitleAda and Grace: Toward Realistic and Engaging Virtual Museum Guides
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSwartout, W., D. R. Traum, R. Artstein, D. Noren, P. Debevec, K. Bronnenkant, J. Williams, A. Leuski, S. Narayanan, D. Piepol, C. Lane, J. Morie, P. Aggarwal, M. Liewer, J. - Y. Chiang, J. Gerten, S. Chu, and K. White
Conference NameIntelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010
Date PublishedSeptember
Conference LocationPhiladelphia
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